Have you seen the hundreds of Massapequa Rainbows in Massapequa lately?
If you haven’t, it may be because they aren’t located in the sky, but rather the windows of many homes in the towns of Massapequa and Massapequa Park. As the New York Area has been on Pause for over a month, families have been looking for a way to brighten the mood and look forward to better days.
The spring season has seemingly passed us by, as everyone has been force-fed the negative news surrounding the Coronavirus. Although Massapequa Weather hasn’t been the best lately, it seems everyone forgot about the happiness spring usually brings due to being preoccupied with the impact of the Coronavirus in some way.
Whether it has been making the adjustment to work from home, anxiously waiting to collect unemployment, or simply keeping the kids occupied, it seems almost everyone has forgotten to notice that summer is almost here!
The Rainbows being displayed in the windows of Massapequa Homes are a very much appreciated constant reminder that better days are on the way.
Please Note: We elected not to display any of the great work done by our neighbors for their privacy. Feel free to submit your rainbow for us to feature here!

Why Did Massapequa Families Start Putting Rainbows in Their Windows?
The trend of drawing and coloring rainbows was started in a Long Island Facebook group named “Rainbows over Nassau and Suffolk Counties and Beyond” originally created to be a Long Island Wide Rainbow Hunt.
The premise of the Rainbow Hunt was to be a way for people who are stuck at home, especially those with young kids, a way to pass time. The instructions were to either draw, color, or paint a rainbow and place it in your window.
After getting your rainbow ready, the next step was to go out and hunt for other people’s rainbow artwork in their windows with your family. This is an amazing way to get outside in some fresh air, walk around, and spend time with the family. The best part about the whole event is that it was created with Social Distancing in mind and is a safe way to get in some activity without human contact.
Co-Creator of the group said “We wanted to create something inspiring, that’s uplifting” when coming up with the idea for the group. She said that she had seen various posts about creating rainbows on Long Island Facebook pages, but they were slipping through the cracks of other, more depressing, Coronavirus related news.
This event is especially appreciated by parents who would usually be taking their kids for trips to Massapequa Parks but can’t because they are closed due to the pandemic. If you are looking to join the group, the only rules are:
- Be Kind and Courteous
- No Hate Speech or Bullying
- No Promotions or Spam
You may have seen this story from a Long Island News source because of its popularity in local communities. Since the group was created on March 18th, it has grown to over 50,000 members, that’s a lot of rainbows to look for!
Rainbows Around The World
Although the previously mentioned Facebook group was focused on the communities of Long Island, placing rainbows in windows has become a worldwide trend. Italy, another country that has been severely impacted by the Coronavirus also saw its citizens displaying rainbows to brighten up the community.
Many rainbows were displayed throughout the country along with the message “andrà tutto bene”, meaning “Everything Will Be Alright” or “Everything Will Be Fine”. Many businesses in cities of Turin and Venice have added the slogan on their storefront, signaling hope to their citizens to come together to overcome the Coronavirus.
As the world looks to move past Coronavirus, we will look back on these rainbow drawings as one of the things that help us make it through. Did you and your family make a rainbow?
If you want to see how your rainbows compare with some of the best, check out these beautiful rainbows from around the world!
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